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Operator Qualifications
6G Management Services Operator Qualification (OQ) Program was developed to comply with the Office of Pipeline Safety of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Qualification of Pipeline personnel (49 CFR 192 Subpart N and Part 195 Subpart G). 6G Management Services is committed to ensuring that it has a qualified workforce and that its operations comply with the Federal pipeline safety regulations. Employees of 6G Management Services are trained and certified in inspections of pipeline systems prior to assignment, based on the requirements of the client.
While performing inspection work on Owner / Operator pipeline systems, each inspector assigned that particular Owner / Operator project will fall under 6G Management Services and / or the Owner’s / Operator’s “Pipeline Operators Qualification Program” or as otherwise required by the client.
6G Management Services Inc. is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental, health and safety performance to help achieve the greatest benefit for all our Clients. It is our policy to meet or exceed applicable environmental, health and pipeline safety laws and regulations, and to facilitate full and open discussion to address responsible standards and practices where laws and regulations do not exist. Accordingly, this Environmental, Health and Safety Policy is a standard by which Company employees are continually measured.
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